Task 2: Costume/hair/makeup/props List

 Jenny Field:

Clothing that’s contemporary for the time. A red top to show how dangerous she is, the red is also symbolic of the idea that she is very overprotective of anyone she loves. She would wear darker colours to make the red stand out. 

Her make up would be natural and nothing too extravagant as she's a teenager who likes to keep to herself and doesn't want to draw attention to herself.

Jenny's hair will be down, to almost hide behind her face. 


Jason Struass:

Clothing that's contemporary for the time. He would wear a big black coat when the sun's gone down to keep him warm. He would also have jeans or trousers depending if he's gone to do any volunteering. 

Jason will have no make up , however when he is getting stabbed, i will use fake blood on his face and on the knife. 

Jason's hair will be grey to show his age, and how vulnerable he could be. Jason's hair would be styled and messed up towards the end. 


Knife - The knife is used in Jenny's hand and you never see the knife stabbing into Jason (safety                            reasons). You see the knife covered in fake blood

Fake Blood - To cover the knife and ground to show the cuts and the murder


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