My idea


 GENRE: Horror
DIRECTOR: Maddison Brooks
DURATION: 2 minutes
STYLE: Contemporary

 My idea is to challenge the conventions of a horror film. I want to have a older, strong male as a victim and use a young, pretty female as my 'predator' and use a public place. I want to use a public place as most horror films happen in a rural area or during the quiet time of day. I will film in the dark. There's a brilliant alleyway near where i live and it has lampposts that are flickering, it looks like the perfect horror film setting. I would also have some action scenes to show my camera skills such as tracking shot. 

I would have my actors running and having my female chasing the male actor. I would like to use a weapon, possibly a knife, although carrying a knife in public can have some safety problems and legal problems. Depending of covid rules, I will use my back garden for close up on knives and physical fight scenes because my back garden has a lot of space and hopefully with the close up shots, you wont be able to see any fences or a house in the background. With using my garden this means it's private property which means I can use a knife in shots (keeping the safety of the actors in mind).

For my camera tech I will ask my teacher to borrow a proper camera as I would rather not film on my phone and using the proper camera's I can zoom smoothly and have a better quality image, and hopefully I can film in a dim lighting and my footage would show up.

For editing I will use Adobe Premiere Plus as I'm familiar with the software and you can edit text on and layer sound over the top.

For sound I want to use non-diegetic such as suspenseful music which I will download from a copyright free website. I would also try to get my male actor to scream, instead of the high female blood curdling scream, I want to have him scream in a cry of pain and have a deeper toned scream. I will also use non-diegetic music over the top of the footage to mask the sound of unwanted cars or any unwanted noise.

15th April:
My idea is that we can't see the face of the murderer (Jenny). I want her to be anonymous so the audience can try to figure it out as they go along in the film. A lot of horror films, you cant see the villains face until the end or they stay anonymous. This adds to the tense of the film. I want to us close ups of her feet and shoes, but not her head. Same story line.

I came up with this idea by wanting to challenge the conventions of a horror film. I also spoke with my family about our favourite films and we got spit balling some ideas. 


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