Is Slumdog Millionaire a perfect ending?
Is Slumdog Millionaire a perfect ending? To answer this question we need to know what a perfect ending is, often the perfect ending is what we see in Hollywood films and more often than not it is a cliche. Most people would say the 2 characters fall in love and the story ends there. Now all throughout Slumdog Millionaire (SM) Jamal is trying to find Latika and save her, he never gives up all thought the many years. The exam styled question “the ending of Slumdog Millionaire is powerful; for the narrative, the characters and the audience” this is worth 15marks. Respond to this statement with your opinions, supporting your ideas with evidence from the narrative and the film form. Such as, how the ending concludes a number of narrative structures , including the equilibrium theory, binary oppositions and the enigma theory and evaluate how these conclusions contribute to making the end powerful The ending in SM is very powerful because Jamal and Latika are people fro...